Helping People Transform Their Lives

Simply. Results Included.

Miloš Šimek

Miloš Šimek portrait

Helping People Transform Their Lives

Simply. Results Included.

Miloš Šimek

Miloš Šimek portrait

Hi, I'm Miloš, the creator of Transform Yourself. Transform Yourself is a platform for people who truly want to change and improve their lives. How can you steer your life in a new direction? What you need to create a life you truly want to live instead of being stuck with what you currently have?

Through my 20 years of searching and experimenting, I've discovered an answer to these questions. This answer contains the power that gives you control over your own life and allow you to shape it exactly the way you want it.

What is that answer? It's having the right information! As you'll see, I've discovered that it's not about how much you try, how many times you fail, whether you have one ability or another, or whether you are somehow destined to succeed. It's none of those things.

If you're not successful in changing and improving your life, it's always and only because you lack some key information. This is the single thing that's holding you back. And when you learn it, your efforts will start flowing easily and naturally. Have you ever experienced this, by the way? That once you've learned something new, things just seem to fall into place? It's really remarkable how that works.

I firmly believe that, with the right information, we can overcome our limits and achieve our dreams. Transform Yourself is where you can learn this life‑changing knowledge that will truly transform your life.

Miloš Šimek

Have you promised yourself you'd change your life, only to find yourself right where you started?

Inside, you'll explore three essential techniques that will show you how to fuel your goals without relying solely on effort or willpower.

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About Miloš photo

About the Creator

Miloš created Transform Yourself to help people with problems he faced most of his life. As someone diagnosed with ADHD, he struggled quite a lot.

He had difficulties learning and focusing on the task at hand. He spent his whole days learning for school to have at least reasonable grades. Later in his life, things started to accumulate. He wasn't eating healthy and was gaining weight. Exercising got him bored. He lacked meaning in his life, suffered through depression, moved from a job to a job, and ended up burning himself out.

Despite all that, or maybe because of it, Miloš started focusing on a single question: What do we have to know, understand, and do to successfully improve and transform our lives? He was looking for answers that could be used repeatedly, not having to rediscover "how to do it" each time.

This question drove him to study the inner workings of our minds, psychology, and different self‑development techniques. By intensively testing and using all he learned, he started seeing patterns. That inspired him to create practical, easy‑to‑do techniques that gave him the power to change and achieve what he couldn't before.

With this, a person who struggled with learning became an advanced programmer and genetic researcher. Both of those areas require enormous amounts of learning. Someone who hated exercise is now exercising 4x a week for more than 5 years straight. He eats healthier than ever before, lost 10 kg (22 pounds), and finally found meaning in his life. These are just a few of the changes he successfully made with his approaches.

Now, Miloš puts his energy into what, to him, truly matters. He shares, in an exciting way, what he's discovered, saving others years of struggles and problems he knows so well. All with his core belief in mind that life is at its best when we have the freedom to follow our dreams.

About the Creator

About Miloš photo

Miloš created Transform Yourself to help people with problems he faced most of his life. As someone diagnosed with ADHD, he struggled quite a lot.

He had difficulties learning and focusing on the task at hand. He spent his whole days learning for school to have at least reasonable grades. Later in his life, things started to accumulate. He wasn't eating healthy and was gaining weight. Exercising got him bored. He lacked meaning in his life, suffered through depression, moved from a job to a job, and ended up burning himself out.

Despite all that, or maybe because of it, Miloš started focusing on a single question: What do we have to know, understand, and do to successfully improve and transform our lives? He was looking for answers that could be used repeatedly, not having to rediscover "how to do it" each time.

This question drove him to study the inner workings of our minds, psychology, and different self‑development techniques. By intensively testing and using all he learned, he started seeing patterns. That inspired him to create practical, easy‑to‑do techniques that gave him the power to change and achieve what he couldn't before.

With this, a person who struggled with learning became an advanced programmer and genetic researcher. Both of those areas require enormous amounts of learning. Someone who hated exercise is now exercising 4x a week for more than 5 years straight. He eats healthier than ever before, lost 10 kg (22 pounds), and finally found meaning in his life. These are just a few of the changes he successfully made with his approaches.

Now, Miloš puts his energy into what, to him, truly matters. He shares, in an exciting way, what he's discovered, saving others years of struggles and problems he knows so well. All with his core belief in mind that life is at its best when we have the freedom to follow our dreams.

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And find out what is actually needed to change your life easily.

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